Generate a Personal JSON Web Token for Authentication

A JSON Web Token is used for authentication. Typically, you'll use the token if you are going to use one of the Tetra APIs or if you will be using our SDK to create your own pipeline.

View your Account Details

To view your account details (username and email):

  1. From the Tetra Data Platform page, click the Hamburger menu, then select Account from the left side of the page.
  2. Click Account Details to open the Account details page.

You can generate a personal token to use for authentication purposes. For example, you can use the token to gain access to your organization's platform data so that you can run an API, or connect through a Tetra Agent.


Copy Token in the Account Details Page

Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT)

To view your account details (username and email):

  1. From the Tetra Data Platform page, click Account from the left side of the page.
  2. Click Account Details to open the Account details page.

You can generate a personal token to use for authentication purposes. For example, you can use the token to gain access to your organization's platform data so that you can run an API, or connect through a Tetra Agent.


Secure Your Token!

Because your token provides access to organizational data, you must secure and protect it similarly to how you would safeguard your own password.

To generate a token:

  1. From the Tetra Data Platform page, click Account from the left side of the page.
  2. Click Account Details to open the Account details page.
  3. In the Account details section, click Copy Token next to the Personal Token section.
  4. A message displays at the bottom of the page indicating that the token is copied. Click Dismiss to close the message. The token is in your clipboard available for you to paste it when needed.


Token Expiration Date

When you use the token, you should note the expiration date. If you need a longer lasting token, contact your Administrator.