Manage Service Users

This page explains how Tetra Data Platform (TDP) Administrators can:

  • Access the Service Users page
  • Manage Service Users
  • Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) for a Service User Account

Access the Service Users Page

To access the service users page:

  1. On the left side of the page, click Account from the expanded menu.
  2. Click Service Users to open the Service Users details page:

Service Users menu option

  1. From the Service Users page, you can add, edit, disable, or activate a service user.

Service Users page

This table describes the fields in the Service Users page:

Search fieldEnter a name to search for service users.
+ Add Service UserClick to add a service user.
Filter TokensFilters the list of users to display on the page: Active, Disabled, or Expired user accounts. Select All (default) to show all user accounts.
UserLists the user name and the user role (Administrator, Member, or Read Only). Click Edit User to change the user role, generate a token, or disable a user account.
TokenDisplays the token generated for the service user. You can copy the token to your clipboard.
CreatedIndicates when the token was created.
StatusIndicates whether the token is active or disabled.
ExpiryIndicates the expiration date for the token (if any).

Add a Service User

To add a service user:

  1. Click + Add Service User in the Service Users page.
  2. In the Add a new service user page, add the service user's name and assign an account role.

Add a New Service User

  1. Click Add to add the new service user.

Edit a Service User

To edit a service user's role:

  1. From the Service Users page, click Edit User next to the entry, and then select Edit.

Edit User Menu Option

  1. From the Edit Service User pane, you can edit the name and account role.
  2. Click Update to change the user's information.

Disable a Service User

To disable a user's account for a service user:

  1. From the Service Users page, click Edit User next to the entry, and then select Disable .
  2. A warning message displays asking you to confirm the disable action. Click Disable to disable the user's account.

Activate a Service User

To activate a user account that has been disabled:

  1. From the Service Users page, select Activate from the menu options at the right side of the user entry. A warning message displays asking you to confirm the activate action. Click Activate to activate the user's account.

Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) for a Service User Account

You can generate a JWT Token for a service account regardless of role.
To generate the JWT Token:

  1. From the Service Users page, click Edit User next to the service user's account entry, and then select Generate token.
  2. From the Create New Token page, enter the number of days the token should be valid (1 to 720 days), or de-select the Expirable box to generate a token without an expiration date.

Token Valid for 30 Days


Token Without Expiration Date


Token With No Expiration Date

If you create a JWT Token without an expiration date, then the token will remain valid until you disable the service user.

  1. Select Generate token. The generated token displays:

Generated Token

  1. Click Copy Token to copy the token to your clipboard and paste to where you want. You can also select to download the token in a TetraScience Software Development Kit (SDK) configuration file.
  2. Click Close.