Search for files in the Data Lake using Spleen query language.



Tetrascience uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) to allow access to the API. To learn how to use the JWT Token to authenticate, see the Authentication topic.

To specify a filter, provide a leading forward slash followed by a field to filter on. Use a . to denote nested fields.

filter by time
/createdAt gt "2017-11-20T16:43:59.969Z" and /createdAt lt "2017-11-27T16:43:59.969Z"

filter by rawFileId
/rawFileId eq "abcd-efgh"

filter by data sampleId
/ eq "1234"

find all the blood gas analyzer (BGA) IDS, that has a partial pressure of CO2 higher than x
/data.type eq "bga" and /data.result.pco2 gt "x"

find all the IDS files, whose sample name is 'one' or 'two'
/ in ["one", "two"]

find all the IDS files, whose method name starts with "method-name"
/data/method/name like "my-method*"

For more examples and information on the search syntax, please refer to Spleen Query Language


URL encode

Make sure you URL encode your URLs. Please visit this link for more details.


NonSearchableFields will NOT be returned by this API

Typically large arrays (data cubes) are not indexed within the data lake using Elasticsearch, thus it is not returned via this API. To retrieve the entire IDS file, which includes the data cubes and large arrays, use the Retrieve a file API.

To know which fields will not be indexed, you can use the List schemas API. The nonSearchableFields contains the fields that will not be indexed and thus will not be returned via this API.


Search files via Elasticsearch query language

Spleen search is designed to be simple and intuitive but has limitations. If you would like more powerful search and aggregation, we recommend you use the Search files via Elasticsearch query API.

Spleen limitations

  • Not able to perform aggregation
  • Not able to search within the nested fields (to read more about the nest objects in Elasticsearch, refer to this document).


Default sorting

If no sorting parameters are provided, the default sorting is the following:

  • createdAt (descending)
  • fileId (ascending)

If a parameter was specified (eg. createdAt) without the ordering, the default sorting direction will be ascending.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!