Tetra Empower Agent Project Scan Command

The following procedure shows how to initiate scan requests for Empower projects programmatically by using the Tetra Empower Agent and the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) Command Service.



The Project Scan Command is available for Tetra Empower Agent versions 5.3.0 and higher only.


The Tetra Empower Agent Project Scan Command requires the following:

Step 1: Verify That the Agent Can Receive Commands

To allow the Agent to securely receive and run commands from the TDP, do the following:

  1. From the Tetra Empower Agent Management Console, in the left navigation menu, under Menu, choose Configuration.
  2. Verify that the Receive Commands toggle is set to Yes (the default value is set to No).

For more information, see Verify Connector Settings in the Tetra Empower Agent Installation Guide.

Step 2: Run the Project Scan Command

To run the Tetra Empower Agent Project Scan Command, do the following:

  1. Create a valid Create Command in your code editor by using the following Project Scan Command Example code snippet.
  2. Copy and run the updated command by using a tool that will allow you to run REST API calls, such as curl or Postman.

Upon receiving the Project Scan Command, the Agent will launch a dedicated process to scan that specified project. If the Agent receives multiple commands, it will process one command at a time. After the Agent successfully completes the project scan, it then sends a SUCCESS status back to the TDP.

Project Scan Command Example



You must enter values for the following variables:

// POST https://api.tetrascience.com/v1/commands

// Headers:
x-org-slug: <your-org-slug>
ts-auth-token: <your-auth-token>
// Request body:
  "targetId": "caed8e22-d100-49a3-a00d-2dc0345e174b",
  "action": "TetraScience.Agent.empower.ScanProject",    
  "expiresAt": "2024-12-31T23:58:43.749Z",
  "payload": {
      "project_path": "Tetra\\A166078"      

Request Body Data Fields

"targetId"(Required) ID of the Agent that receives the commandcaed8e22-d100-49a3-a00d-2dc0345e174b
"expiresAt"(Required) Command expiration date in ISO-8601 format2024-12-31T23:58:43.749Z
"action"(Required) Command name (this field is a constant variable)TetraScience.Agent.empower.ScanProject
"payload"(Required) Command body (payload must be in the format required by the command type defined in the action field)For an example "payload", see Project Scan Command Example
"database_name"(Required) Empower database that the Agent monitors"WAT12"
"project_path"(Required) Full Empower project path"Tetra\\A166078"

Including the Project Scan Command in Task Scripts

To have the Project Scan Command interact with task scripts you will need to use the context object. The context object provides functions for you to read files, write files, update metadata, get pipeline configuration information, and more.

The ts-sdk library provides two Context API functions that greatly simplify creating and sending Project Scan commands in task scripts:

With the pre-signed URL, you can construct the payload as described in the Project Scan Command Example and use the run_command function to send it to the Agent.


The Tetra Empower Agent will send a FAILURE status back to the TDP after it receives a Project Scan Command under any of the following conditions:

Potential IssueResolution
The command is expired.Update the request body's "expiresAt" value.
The request payload's "database_name" doesn't match the database name that's configured in the Empower Agent.Update the request payload's "database_name" so that it matches the database name that's configured in the Empower Agent. To verify the Database Name that's configured in the Agent, see Verify the Connection to Waters Empower in the Tetra Empower Agent Installation Guide.
The request payload's "project_path" is invalid, or the Agent Empower Database User doesn't have permission to access it.Enter a valid "project_path"in the request payload. If that doesn't fix the issue, verify that the Agent's Empower Database user Account has all required permissions.