JUMP TOTetraScience APIIntroductionAuthenticationTetra Data LakeData LakeFilesDelete a FiledeleteRetrieve a FilegetUpload a FilepostGet File InformationgetGet File VersionsgetAttributesRetrieve metadata and tags of a filegetAdd metadata and tags to a filepostUpdate metadata and tags to a fileputAdd Labels (POST)postDelete Labels (DELETE)deleteSchemasList SchemasgetSearchSearch files via Elasticsearch Query LanguagepostSearch Files (GET)(Deprecated)getSearch Files (POST)(Deprecated)postPipelinesPipelinesGet Details of a Single PipelinegetPaginate Through all Pipeline Details (Deprecated)getCreate New PipelinepostUpdate Existing PipelinepostProcess List of Files with PipelinepostSearch PipelinesgetWorkflowsSearch Workflows (Deprecated)getSearch WorkflowgetStatus By PipelinegetGet Single Workflow DetailsgetPipeline ExamplesPipeline and Workflow Objects and ParametersAgentsAgentsGet agentsgetCreate an agentpostGet agentgetUpdate an agentputGet command queuegetEnable or disable command queueputEnable or disable an agentputChange agent connectorputGet File-Log agent configurationgetRemotely configure a running File-Log agentpostDeprecated - Get File-Log agent configurationgetDeprecated - Remotely configure a running File-Log agentpostGet File-Log agent configuration listgetData AcquisitionFile UploadpostAgent Log UploadpostAgent System Metric UploadpostAgent Status (Heart Beat)postAgent Status Setting UpdateputAgent ConfigurationpostAgent Temp AWS CredentialspostCommandsCommand Service EndpointsPurge queuedeleteSearch commandsgetCreate commandpostGet one commandgetGet command historygetList command actionsgetHubs & ConnectorsHubsGet all HubsgetGet a Hub by idgetConnectorsGet all ConnectorsgetGet a Connector by idgetGet a Connector's reported filesgetGet statistics about a Connector's filesgetGet a Connector's metricsgetEvent Subscriptions APIView SubscriptionsGet a subscription by IDgetGet subscriptions for your orggetEdit SubscriptionsRequest to create a new subscriptionpostRequest to delete a subscriptionpostGet a list of all available event types for this orggetRequest to update a subscriptionpostRequestsDelete a request by IDdeleteGet a request by IDgetGet recent requestsgetArtifact Management ServiceProtocolsList all protocolsgetSearch for itemspostList all protocols for namespacegetList all protocols for namespace/sluggetGet single protocolgetGet related artifactsgetGet labels for a protocolgetGet available file slugs for protocolgetGet contents for a protocol filegetGet available file slugs for task-scriptgetGet available file slugs for IDSgetTask ScriptsList all task-scriptsgetSearch for itemspostList all task-scripts for a namespacegetList all task-scripts for a namespace/sluggetGet single task-scriptgetGet artifacts related to task-scriptgetGet labels for a task-scriptgetGet contents of a task-script filegetIDSList all ids artifactsgetSearch for itemspostList all IDSes for namespacegetReturns a list of IDS artifacts given a namespace and sluggetGet single IDSgetGet artifacts related to IDSgetGet labels for an IDSgetGet contents for an IDS filegetConnectorsList all connectors artifactsgetSearch for itemspostList all Connectores for namespacegetReturns a list of Connector artifacts given a namespace and sluggetGet single ConnectorgetGet artifacts related to ConnectorgetGet labels for an ConnectorgetGet available file slugs for ConnectorgetGet contents for an Connector filegetAdministrationLoginGet login configgetGet login config (Subdomain based)getLogin userpostSSO logingetSSO login (Subdomain based)getSend a password reset email to the user by emailpostUpdate expired passwordputTenantsGet list of tenantsgetCreate a new tenant.postGet tenant informationgetUpdate tenant informationputGet all users in a tenantgetGet all organizations in a tenantgetOrganizationsGet organization by IDgetUpdate organization by IDputGet Users for OrganizationgetUsersGet Current user detailsgetSet default organizationpostupdate current user's passwordputGet user by IDgetUpdate user by IDputUnlock userputUpdate a user's passwordputGet user roles in the organization matching the orgSluggetAdd user rolepostGet user role detailsgetUpdate user roleputDelete user roledeleteCreate user tokenpostRevoke user tokenpostPowered by Get a request by IDget https://example.com/v1/externalevents/requests/{requestId}