
Tetra Data Pipeline Workflows REST API endpoints provide the ability to programmatically search for specific workflows and get details on them.




Before using any of the following endpoints, it's recommended that you familiarize yourself with pipeline concepts and terminology.


Keep in mind the following when reviewing the JSON results returned by the Tetra Data Pipeline Workflows API endpoints:

  • protocol and master script are used interchangeably.
  • steps and task scripts are used interchangeably.
  • Tasks ([].tasks) is an array that contains information on the execution of each step in a protocol.
  • Task Output ([].tasks[].output) is an array of files that are generated by the workflow step. This is captured from the return of the step’s task script return value. The Workflow page on the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) will also list the generated files. For more information, see viewing a Workflow.
  • There are two input files:
    • The Workflow Input File ({}.[].inputFile) contains information about the file that triggered the workflow.
    • The Task Input File ({}.[].tasks[].input) contains the name of the object that is passed into the step when executed in script.js (workflow.runTask).
  • Events include the following Workflow Events and Task Events:
    • Workflow Events ([].events) track statuses for general workflow.
      • in-progress indicates the workflow is currently executing.
      • completed indicates the workflow was completed successfully.
    • Task Events ([].tasks[].events) tracks status changes for individual steps in the protocol.
      • pending indicates the step is waiting to be executed.
      • in-progress indicates the step is currently executing.
      • completed indicates the step was completed successfully.