Tetra Cloud Data Connector

The Cloud Data Connector was formerly named User Defined Integration prior to version 3.1 of the TDP software. This topic explains how to create, edit, and delete a Cloud Data Connector.

Create a Cloud Data Connector

To create a Cloud Data Connector, complete the following steps.

  1. From the Hamburger menu, select Data Sources, then Cloud Data Connector. The Cloud Data Connector page appears.
  2. Click Add Cloud Data Connector in the upper right corner side of the page.
  3. In the Create Cloud Data Connector pop-up window, add the integration name. Note that the integration name can only include letters, numbers, spaces, symbols, the plus and minus signs, a period, underscore, and forward slash.
  4. Click Create. The new Cloud Data Connector appears in Cloud Data Connectors window.

Add Agents to a Cloud Data Connector

Once you have created a Cloud Data Connector, you can add agents to it. To do this, click the Create a New Agent link near the bottom of the new Cloud Data Connector, and follow the instructions in the Cloud Configuration of Tetra Agents topic.

Edit a Cloud Data Connector Integration Name

To edit a Cloud Data Connector, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the menu near the top right corner of the connector then select Edit.
  2. Edit the name of the integration in the Edit Cloud Data Connector pop up window.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Cloud Data Connector

To Delete a Cloud Data Connector, do the following.

  1. Click the menu near the top right corner of the connector, then select Delete.
  2. A message appears asking whether you want to delete the connector. Cllick OK.