Integration-Based Connectors

This topic provides information about integration-based connectors.

Connector Types

At the moment, we have following integration based connectors:

  1. HRB Cellario Connector
  2. SDC Connector
  3. IDBS E-Workbook Connector
  4. Solace Connector


Each integration based connector comes with SQlite database file. This file will be uploaded periodically to S3 backup bucket at following location: /{backupBucket}/{orgSlug}/datahub/{datahubId}/connector/{connectorId}/{sqlFileName}

  • backupBucket - depends on environments (e.g. on prod, it is ts-platform-prod-backup
  • orgSlug - our organization slug
  • datahubId - id of the data hub
  • connectorId - id of the connector
  • sqlFileName - file name of the DB file

Backup schedule check will happen with every connector restart. Upload is done:

  1. if there is no backup at target S3 location
  2. backup file at target location is older than 24 hours

Automatic Restores

At the moment, we don't have option to automatically restore connector. However, this feature is planned for future release.

Manual Restore

Manual restore is possible, but require several steps including manual SQLite file editing. Before proceeding with manual restore steps, it is important to get ID (UUID) of both data hub and integration/connector. ID values are marked in screenshot below (1 for data hub ID, 2 for connector ID):


ID Values

Same value can be obtained from SQlite file, and we will explain that a bit later.

Steps to restore are following:

  1. Download SQlite file from S3 folder
  2. If restore is planned on another/new data hub, create data hub in platform
  3. Create new connector with same data (name, metadata and tags). For connection options, use incorrect address (e.g. incorrect port) in order to prevent loading data immediately after connector start.
  4. Take the IDs of new data hub (if new one is created) and new connector
  5. Open backed up SQlite file in some tool that allows browsing the file and executing SQLs (e.g. DB Browser for SQlite)
  6. In Sqlite DB tool, turn off foreign keys. This can be done either through SQL with command PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; or, directly through tool if tool supports that.
  7. Take the JSON value of the sources column of Integrations table, and source column of Events table from backed up SQlite file. Both values should be equal.



source/sources column contain ID of the old data hub (field integrationId of JSON object) and ID of the old connector (field id of JSON object).

  1. We need to update existing tables with values of the new IDs. Below is an example of SQL:
update Integrations 
set id='<NEW DATAHUB ID>',
sources=json(' [{"id":"<NEW CONNECTOR ID>","integrationId":"<NEW DATAHUB ID>","name":"milos test","type":"hrb-cellario","config":{"sourceType":"hrb-cellario"},"metadata":{},"tags":[]}]' )
where id = '<OLD DATAHUB ID>';

update Events
set integration='<NEW DATAHUB ID>',
source=json(' {"id":"<NEW CONNECTOR ID>","integrationId":"<NEW DATAHUB ID>","name":"milos test","type":"hrb-cellario","config":{"sourceType":"hrb-cellario"},"metadata":{},"tags":[]} ')
where integration='<OLD DATAHUB ID>';



This is our example of source(s) values. You have to replace source(s) values with your own values from backed up SQlite file, but with replaced data hub and connector IDs.

  1. Revert back foreign keys, either by using SQL command: PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; or by DB tool, if it supports
  2. Save DB file
  3. Login to data hub machine
  4. In shell, using sudo, or root account, replace sqlite file at location /var/datahub/<connectorId>/sqlite.db with newly updated SQlite file
  5. Go back to platform, and change connector connection settings to correct settings.
  6. From the upper right data hub menu, invoke menu item Update config
  7. From the upper right data hub menu, invoke menu item Sync