Self-Service Tetra Data Pipelines
A self-service pipeline is a pipeline that you create yourself by using custom protocols, task scripts, and the TetraScience Software Development Kit (TS SDK).
Custom Scripts Availability
You can create your own custom, self-service pipelines (SSP) in both Tetra hosted and Customer hosted environments. SSPs are activated for Customer hosted deployments by default. SSPs for Tetra hosted deployments are in beta release currently and may require changes in future TDP releases. For more information, contact your customer success manager.
Supported Programming Language
Python is the only supported program language that you can use to write an SSP. You can choose which Python version a task script uses by adding a
parameter to the script'sconfig.json
file. Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 are supported currently. For more information, see config.json in Create and Test Scripts.
Self-Service Pipeline Prerequisites
- Building your own SSP requires that you know how to program in Python and JavaScript. If you aren't familiar with Python, consider using one of our Out of the Box (OOB) Tetra Data models or by contacting Professional Services. For more information, see Available Tetra Data Models.
- Review the Pipeline Overview to learn more before starting.
Create a Self-Service Pipeline
To create a self-service pipeline, do the following:
- Set Up Your Environment and initialize the Tetrascience Software Development Kit—This includes installing Python, setting your environment variables, and setting up your development environment. It also involves initializing the TS SDK, which will create a working sample in your development environment and specifying the packages needed for the scripts to run.
- Create and Test Protocols and Task Scripts—This involves creating and testing the protocols and task scripts. Artifacts and namespaces are also addressed.
- Deploy Artifacts to TDP—This includes deploying artifacts to the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) and viewing them there.
- Multi-Step Self-Service Pipeline Example—Provides an example of a multi-step protocol.
- Context API —Provides details about the context object, which can be used in your scripts.
- Slugs and Self-Service Pipeline Protocols—Provides more information about organization, protocol, and task slugs, and how they map between files needed to deploy custom protocols and task scripts.
- TS Raw-to-IDS Task Scripts—If you plan to use TS raw-to-ids task script as part of your protocol, this topic shows how to see the input and output of those task scripts.
Updated over 1 year ago