SSP Setup and Prerequisites

Before you can create a self-service Tetra Data Pipeline (SSP), you must do the following:

  • Initialize the TetraScience Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.0 environment.
  • Configure Tetra Data Platform (TDP) dependencies and authentication.

Initialize the TetraScience SDK 2.0 Environment



Keep in mind the following:

  • Python is the only supported programming language that you can use to write SSPs. We recommend using pyenv if you have to work with multiple versions on the same machine.
  • You can choose which Python version a task script uses by adding a "runtime" parameter to the script's config.json file. Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 are supported currently. For more information, see config.json Files.
  • The following procedure shows how to initialize the TetraScience SDK in a single, basic Python development environment. It's recommended that you use a Python package manager, such as pipx or uv, to initialize the SDK in more complex development environments.

To initialize the TetraScience SDK 2.0, do the following:

  1. Install Python (versions 3.7 through 3.11 are supported currently)

  2. Install the poetry package by running the following command:

    pip3 install poetry

  3. Install the poetry-plugin-export package by running the following command:

    poetry self add poetry-plugin-export

  4. Install the tetrascience-cli package by running the following command:

    pip3 install tetrascience-cli

  5. Verify the installation was successful by running the following command:

    ts-cli --help

Configure TDP Dependencies and Authentication

To configure the required TDP dependencies and authentication credentials, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the TDP as an admin user.
  2. Create a Service User account with admin access on the Organization Settings page in your profile (or use an existing one).
  3. Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) for the Service User that you've selected.
  4. Create an auth.json file (you can select a different name) at any location you want. You can also download this file from the previous step by selecting the Download ts-sdk config button on the token creation dialog. You will use this file later in the ts-sdk put command by adding -c path/to/auth.json to the command line.

Example auth.json File

    "api_url":"<TDP API endpoint base URL>",
    "auth_token":"<service token you generated>",
    "org":"<your organization slug name>",
    "ignore_ssl": <true to allow invalid SSL certificates>

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