IDBS E-Workbook Connector Installation

To install the Tetra IDBS E-Workbook Connector, do the following:

  1. Create a Docker volume
  2. Download the Connector's Docker image
  3. (For upgrades only) Prepare for migrating existing Connector configurations
  4. Create the Docker container
  5. Start the container
  6. (For upgrades only) Clean up the migration

System Requirements

For the Tetra IDBS E-Workbook Connector to function properly, the host machine must meet the following requirements:

  • Linux OS
  • Docker installed
  • Outbound network access to the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) and to IDBS
  • Allows sufficient inbound network access for IDBS users to be able to open the Connector in their web browser


Host Connector on a Tetra Hub or Data Hub

Many of the requirements above are automatically fulfilled by hosting the connector on an existing Tetra Hub or Tetra Data Hub. If you already have a Tetra Hub or Data Hub, you can install the IDBS Connector there. However, it is not required to use a Hub or Data Hub with the Tetra IDBS E-Workbook Connector.


Use Privileged Shell for CLI Commands

All of the commands in this procedure should be run in a privileged shell.

macOS: If you are using an Administrator account, no additional action is required.

Linux: Run sudo su - to get a root login shell in which to run the commands.

Step 1: Create a Docker Volume

Although optional, we recommend using a Docker volume to store the SQLite databases so that configuration is automatically preserved during Connector upgrades.


If Upgrading instead of Fresh Install

If you are upgrading the Connector, or for some reason your intended Docker volume already exists, skip to Step 2: Download the Docker Image.

To create a volume, run the following shell command:

docker volume create --driver local idbs_connector_config

When you create the Docker volume, keep in mind the following:

  • This action creates a Docker volume called idbs_connector_config, which is typically located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/idbs_connector_config in a standard Docker installation on Linux.
  • When you create the container, make sure that you map this volume to /app/config within the container.
  • The Connector uses this folder to store configuration, state, and logs in SQLite database files.

Step 2: Download the Connector's Docker Image

Download the latest version of the Tetra IDBS E-Workbook Connector as a Docker image by doing the following:

  1. On the host server, go to the IDBS E-Workbook Connector section of the Tetra Agent & Connector Installers page in the TetraConnect Hub. For access, see Access the TetraConnect Hub.
  2. Select the Latest installer .tar file (for example, ts-idbs-connectorvx.x.x.tar.gz) and download it to the host server.
  3. Extract the Docker image from the tarfile in the local command line terminal by running the following shell command:
docker load --input ts-idbs-connector-v1.1.0.tar
  1. Verify that the image was extracted successfully by confirming that the IDBS Connector appears in Docker's list of local images. To return a list of local Docker images, run the following shell command:
docker image ls -a

(For Upgrades Only) Step 3: Prepare for Migrating Existing Connector Configurations



For new installations, skip to Step 4: Create the Docker Container.

To migrate an existing Connector's configurations to the latest Connector version, do the following:

  1. Create an export of your Connector’s existing configuration. This export will remove sensitive fields such as SSO Client Secret, SSL Certificate and Key, TDP Service User Token, and Agent ID. All DataWeave scripts are preserved for future import.
Figure 2. Connector Settings

Figure 2. Connector Settings

  1. Make a copy of your existing Docker Volume, or at minimum, make a copy of the database file config.db.
  2. In the next section you will be creating a new container with the new Connector version. If you have an existing Connector running, you must stop that container. Find the name and container ID of the running containers by running the following shell command:
docker container ls -a
  1. Stop the container by running the following command:
docker container stop <container name or container ID>
docker stop idbs-connector
  1. Rename the container that you have just stopped. This will prevent any issues that can be caused by duplicate naming when deploying the new Connector. To rename the container, run the following command:
docker rename <container name or container ID> <new name>
docker rename idbs-connector idbs-connector-rollback

Step 4: Create the Docker Container

Create the Docker container by running the following shell command:

docker create -p 3003:8080 --name=idbs_connector \
--memory=2g --restart unless-stopped -v idbs_connector_config:/app/config idbs-connector:v1.1.0



The shell command to create the Docker container uses the following arguments:

  • -p 3003:8080: Forward traffic incoming on port 3003 on the host to port 8080 in the container
  • --name=idbs_connector: Give the container the specific name idbs_connector
  • --restart unless-stopped: Sets a restart policy for the container. Prior to Tetra IDBS E-Workbook Connector v1.3.0, connector restarts in the event of crashes were handled by software within the container. The chosen policy will restart the connector whenever it goes down, unless it has stopped because a container stop was explicitly requested
  • -v idbs_connector_config:/app/config: Map /app/config in the container to use the Docker volume idbs_connector_config that was set up in a previous step
  • idbs-connector:v1.1.0: This is the image to base the container on (your version number may differ)


Container Memory Limit

The command above includes a memory limit of 2GiB for the container. The intent of the memory limit is to avoid the connector causing out-of-memory behavior for the whole datahub and possibly impacting other Connectors. Depending on the memory available and what other Connectors you are using, you can increase this limit to 4GiB, or potentially remove it altogether.

Step 5: Start the Container

Start the Docker container you created by doing the following:

  1. To start the container, run the following shell command:
docker start idbs_connector



The Connector may take up to 15 seconds to become available once the container is started.

  1. (For new installations only) In a web browser, go to http://<hostname>:3003/ (or, if you previously configured the Connector to use SSL, then https://<hostname>:3003/). Then, set up the initial configuration. <hostname> is localhost for local development or local access from the server.

(For Upgrades Only) Step 6: Clean Up the Migration



You can skip this step if you didn't upgrade or perform a Connector migration.

If the upgrade or migration went as expected, and you have confirmed all configuration and scripts persisted, delete the old connector’s Container by running the following shell command:

docker rm <container name or container ID>
docker rm idbs-connector-rollback