File Versioning
All files ingested by the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) are versioned automatically. The Search API and user interface will only return the latest version by default, but all historical files are automatically preserved. By hiding the older versions, this allows for a more seamless search experience and prevents confusion around seemingly duplicate files.
File Versioning Behaviors When Using Custom Attributes
You can use labels, metadata, and tags (attributes) to annotate files and trigger pipelines.
Labels are mutable and don’t create a new file version when they’re modified. Metadata and tags are immutable and create a new file version each time they’re modified. Each new file version has its own fileId
This design choice allows significantly more sophisticated workflows and business logic (such as quality review and validation) while reducing ambiguity. Versioning file metadata allows for the most thorough and accurate historical representation of the data and associated business actions.
For more information, see Attributes.
When new file version is uploaded, metadata and tags are not copied from the previous version. Make sure that you provide metadata and tags within the upload request.
Updated 6 days ago