Generic Data Connector
Tetra Generic Data Connector (GDC) is a piece of software running on the Tetra Data Hub machine in a Docker container. It's an HTTP server that serves several purposes:
- Expose RESTful APIs for TetraScience instrument agents to upload data and logs
- Check Agent authentication and authorization
- Transmit Agent data and logs to the Data Lake.
It's called "generic" because all different kinds of Agents can use it, e.g. UNICORN Agent, Empower Agent, File Log Agent etc.
GDC supports both HTTP and HTTPS. When creating new GDC connector, system suggests default ports for both HTTP and HTTPS. Default port for HTTP is 8080, while default port for HTTPS connection is 8443. These values can be changed during the GDC creation and later on GDC edit page.
Note: The default memory limit for the GDC is 2GB. The limit can be adjusted via the ConnectorMaxMemory ServiceCatalog parameter, during deployment. This topic also indicates how the TetraScience administrator can adjust memory settings by creating a setting called CONNECTOR_GDC_MAX_MEMORY_MB.
In case of agent misbehavior it may be disabled via web interface. When agent is disabled it won't be able to communicate with GDC until enabled back.
In case agent is using direct S3 upload, temporary AWS credentials will be valid and used until expiration time (less than 1 hour) and after that disabled agent won't be able to get new temporary AWS credentials.
Updated 12 months ago