Context API

To interact with task scripts you will need to use the context object. The context object provides functions for you to read files, write files, update metadata, get pipeline configuration information, and more.

This topic contains the following:

  • An example of a task script entry-point function
  • A list of the Context API properties
  • A list of Context API functions
  • More detailed information about each Context API function

Task Script Entry-Point Function Example

If your task script entry-point function process_file is in file, you should define process_file like this:

def process_file(input: dict, context: object):
    print("Starting task")
    input_data = context.read_file(input["inputFile"])
    # your business logic ...
    print("Task completed")

You can define input in the protocol's script.js. But you don't need to define context. It will be passed as the second argument automatically.

Context API Properties

Context API provides properties that allow you to read and write files and more.

context.org_slugstringYour organization's slug.
context.pipeline_iduuidPipeline unique ID.
context.workflow_iduuidWorkflow unique ID.
context.master_script_namespacestringNamespace for the protocol script.
context.master_script_slugstringSlug for the protocol script (script.js).
context.master_script_versionstringVersion of the protocol script (e.g. v1.0.0).
context.protocol_slugstringProtocol slug.
context.protocol_versionstringProtocol version.
context.pipeline_configdictA dictionary from strings to strings, containing the configuration parameters set when configuring the pipeline that invoked this protocol.
context.input_filedictFile pointer that triggered the current workflow.
context.created_atstringWorkflow's creation time.

ISO timestamp string. Generated by moment().toISOString(). Indicates when the file is created.
context.task_iduuidID for the current task (step of a pipeline).
context.task_created_atstringTask's creation time.

ISO timestamp string. Generated by moment().toISOString(). Indicates when the task is created.
context.platform_urlstringThe URL of the platform (i.e.:
context.platform_versionstringThe version of the platform being used.
context.tmp_dirstringFolder for tmp dir. Usually it’s /tmp. If your task script wants to write a file and then call a shell command (like LibreOffice) to process the file, you should put it in context.tmp_dir . Other folders are not guaranteed to be writable.

File Pointers

A file pointer is an object that stores the location metadata for a specific file in the Tetra Data Platform (TDP). Context API functions use file pointers to reference files in the TDP.

For more information, including how Intermediate Data Schema (IDS) JSON files also use file pointers, see Related Files.



To return a file pointer for a specific file in the TDP, run the context.write_file function.

Context API File Pointer Object

  "type": "s3file",
  "bucket": "datalake",
  "fileKey": "path/to/file",
  "fileId": "uuidForFile",
  "version": "versionId"

Context API Functions

Context API provides functions that allow you to retrieve data, write data, and modify/check data on TDP.

Retrieving Data from Data Lake

context.read_file()Takes an input file reference, and returns either the file content, a file object, or the local path of a copy of the file.
context.get_labels()Get all of the labels associated with a file.
context.get_file_name()Retrieve filename of a file that is not downloaded locally.
context.get_ids()Get the Intermediate Data Schema that matches the namespace, slug, and version.
context.search_eql()Searches files by using Query DSL.
context.get_logger()Returns the logger object, so you can use log(data) to log an object.
context.get_presigned_url()Returns a time-limited HTTPS URL that can be used to access a file.
context.get_secret_config_value()Retrieves the secret's value.
context.resolve_secret()Returns the secret value. This function is used to convert the SSM reference to the actual secret value.

Writing Data to Data Lake

context.write_file()Writes an output file to the data lake.
context.write_ids()Writes an output IDS file to the data lake.

Modifying/Checking Data in Data Lake

context.add_labels()Allows you to add labels to a file.
context.delete_labels()Delete one or more labels from a file.
context.update_metadata_tags()Updates file's metadata and tags.
context.add_attributes()Add metadata, tags, or labels to an object.
context.validate_ids()Checks the validity of IDS content provided in data.
context.run_command()Invokes remote command/action on target (agent or connector) and returns its response.

Context API Function Reference


Takes an input file reference and returns a dictionary with keys. By using the form parameter, you can use it to control access to the file content, a file object, or the local path of a copy of the file.


filedictFile pointer Note: For ts-sdk v1.2.30 and higher, the context.read_file function can retrieve the latest version of a file by using the fileId key only. To retrieve previous file versions, you must populate the version and fileId keys.
formstring (optional)If form=body (the default), then result['body'] holds the contents of the file as a byte array. This approach cannot handle large files that don't fit in memory.

If form=file_obj, then result['file_obj'] is a file-like object that can be used to access the body through streaming. This object can be passed to Python libraries, like Pandas.

If form=download, then result['download'] is the file name of a local file that has been downloaded from the specified data lake file. This is useful when the data needs to be processed by native code (for example, SQLite) or an external utility program.


dictresult['body']: A byte array that holds the contents of the file, when form=body or no form is requested. This approach cannot handle large files that don't fit in memory.

result['file_obj']: A file-like object that can be used to access the body through streaming when form=file_obj. This object can be passed to Python libraries, like Pandas.

result['download']: A string that is the file name of a local file that has been downloaded from the specified Data Lake file when form=download. This is useful when the data needs to be processed by native code (for example, SQLite) or an external utility program.
result['metadata']: A dict that is the additional system metadata of the document, also available as More File Information in the TDP UI.

result['custom_metadata']: A JSON object of the deprecated metadata attributes for the file in the TDP as key-value pairs.

result['custom_tags']: A JSON array of the tag attributes for the file in the TDP.

NOTE: Labels are not included in the results. Labels are available by calling the context.get_labels function only.


The example requests show common patterns for calling the context.read_file function on an IDS file with all form types, and processing the response payload to access the file contents. The example responses show the full response dictionary with all keys.

body Request

file = context.read_file(context.input_file, form="body")
json_contents = json.loads(file["body"])

body Response

{'body': b'{"@idsType": "mettler-toledo-labx", "@idsVersion": "v6.0.0", "@idsNa'
         b'mespace": "common", "systems": [{"serial_number": "3333344444/333334'
         b'4444", "name": "XPE4002S_1", "id": "25701c36-8ce0-4038-9375-066de3fc'
         b'ef1f", "vendor": "Mettler Toledo", "model": "XPE4002S", "type": "Bal'
         b'anceExcellence", <TRUNCATED BODY REPSONSE>"}]}',
 'custom_metadata': {'user': 'tetra-user'},
 'custom_tags': ['validation'],
 'metadata': {'ts_content_created_from_file_id': '2917cafb-792a-43b5-b3de-3a1bc9dbe95a',
              'ts_destination_id': '',
              'ts_do_not_inherit_labels': 'true',
              'ts_file_id': 'd8748ab7-f12a-4453-b63f-bedc011a5355',
              'ts_ids': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx:v6.0.0',
              'ts_ids_type': 'mettler-toledo-labx',
              'ts_ids_type_version': 'v6.0.0',

file_obj Request

f = context.read_file(input_file_pointer, form='file_obj')
with zipfile.ZipFile(f['file_obj']) as zf:
  with"somefile.csv", "r") as csvf:

file_obj Response

{'custom_metadata': {'user': 'tetra-user'},
	 'custom_tags': ['validation'],
	 'file_obj': <gzip mart_open.s3.Reader(bucket='ts-dip-uat-datalake', key='training-demo/969d35d1-8a28-4b90-a651-0ba26806bcc1/IDS/validation-test/labx/task/T32573.json/0.json', version_id='N8oV9LG_W2Gw2AOHYEULxJSIsWLLnjsR', buffer_size=131072, line_terminator=b'\n' 0x7fe236d6e4a0>,
	 'metadata': {'ts_content_created_from_file_id': '2917cafb-792a-43b5-b3de-3a1bc9dbe95a',
	              'ts_destination_id': '',
	              'ts_do_not_inherit_labels': 'true',
	              'ts_file_id': 'd8748ab7-f12a-4453-b63f-bedc011a5355',
	              'ts_ids': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx:v6.0.0',
	              'ts_ids_type': 'mettler-toledo-labx',
	              'ts_ids_type_version': 'v6.0.0',
	              'ts_integration_id': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_integration_metadata': 'user=tetra-user',
	              'ts_integration_name': 'LabX Validation',
	              'ts_integration_source': '969d35d1-8a28-4b90-a651-0ba26806bcc1',
	              'ts_integration_tags': 'validation',
	              'ts_integration_type': 'datapipeline',
	              'ts_master_script': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids:v4.0.0',
	              'ts_pipeline_history': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_pipeline_id': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_source_file_id': '7bc111aa-f73a-4c80-ba20-cfdaaea122c8',
	              'ts_source_name': 'LabX tl_LabX_v11_1',
	              'ts_source_type': 'labx',
	              'ts_task_execution_id': '0be36f7e-3f99-4e76-bf6c-75567cf35849',
	              'ts_task_script': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids:v6.0.0',
	              'ts_task_slug': 'mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids',
	              'ts_trace_id': '7bc111aa-f73a-4c80-ba20-cfdaaea122c8',
	              'ts_user_id': 'f7a48c8d-e365-45e4-af73-7ccc3039a987',
	              'ts_version': '2',
	              'ts_workflow_id': '0adf1d3e-2eb2-4b24-b5f5-b9e5a0ed7e3e'}}

download Request

f = context.read_file(input_file_pointer, form='download')
con = sqlite3.connect(f['download'])
df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM foo', con)

download Response

{'custom_metadata': {'user': 'tetra-user'},
	 'custom_tags': ['validation'],
	 'download': '/tmp/tmpf623yu50/tmp6_lvxcdq',
	 'metadata': {'ts_content_created_from_file_id': '2917cafb-792a-43b5-b3de-3a1bc9dbe95a',
	              'ts_destination_id': '',
	              'ts_do_not_inherit_labels': 'true',
	              'ts_file_id': 'd8748ab7-f12a-4453-b63f-bedc011a5355',
	              'ts_ids': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx:v6.0.0',
	              'ts_ids_type': 'mettler-toledo-labx',
	              'ts_ids_type_version': 'v6.0.0',
	              'ts_integration_id': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_integration_metadata': 'user=tetra-user',
	              'ts_integration_name': 'LabX Validation',
	              'ts_integration_source': '969d35d1-8a28-4b90-a651-0ba26806bcc1',
	              'ts_integration_tags': 'validation',
	              'ts_integration_type': 'datapipeline',
	              'ts_master_script': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids:v4.0.0',
	              'ts_pipeline_history': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_pipeline_id': '19fd30fd-080e-4cc3-83b8-ae7da59f98f0',
	              'ts_source_file_id': '7bc111aa-f73a-4c80-ba20-cfdaaea122c8',
	              'ts_source_name': 'LabX tl_LabX_v11_1',
	              'ts_source_type': 'labx',
	              'ts_task_execution_id': '0be36f7e-3f99-4e76-bf6c-75567cf35849',
	              'ts_task_script': 'common/mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids:v6.0.0',
	              'ts_task_slug': 'mettler-toledo-labx-raw-to-ids',
	              'ts_trace_id': '7bc111aa-f73a-4c80-ba20-cfdaaea122c8',
	              'ts_user_id': 'f7a48c8d-e365-45e4-af73-7ccc3039a987',
	              'ts_version': '2',
	              'ts_workflow_id': '0adf1d3e-2eb2-4b24-b5f5-b9e5a0ed7e3e'}}


Writes an output file to the Data Lake.


The following are the parameters for this endpoint.

contentstring, bytes object, byte stream, dictThe content to be written out.

The content can only be Dict type when file_category is set to ids, otherwise it will error. In this case, IDS validation will be automatically performed.
file_namestringThe name of the file to be written. The full S3 path is determined by the platform. As of ts-sdk v1.3.2, the name cannot navigate upward in the file path (for example, ../file_name).
file_categorystringFile category, can be IDS, TMP or PROCESSED
idsstring (required if file_category is "IDS", otherwise optional)If file_category is "IDS", then this parameter specifies the specific Intermediate Data Schema. The format is: namespace/slug:v1.2.3.
custom_metadatadict of string to string (optional)Metadata to be appended to a file.

Keys can only include letters, numbers, spaces and symbols +, - or _.

Values can only include letters, numbers, spaces and symbols +, -, _, /, . or ,.

Including metadata with a key that already existing within the file's current metadata keys will result in a ValueError.
custom_tagslist of strings (optional)Tags to be appended to a file.

Can only include letters, numbers, spaces, and the symbols +, -, ., /, or _).

Limited to 114 characters.

Including any tags that already exist within the file's current tags will result in a ValueError.
source_typestring (optional)Can be used to overwrite the source type S3 metadata value of the resulting document. Validation is performed if a value is passed against the regex /^",
"2+$/, if no value is passed, we fall back to the default logic (take source type value from the RAW file, or if not found on RAW file, set the value unknown).
labelslist of dicts (optional)List of dictionaries where each dictionary is in form { 'name': <LABEL_NAME>, 'value': <LABEL_VALUE> }
gzip_compress_levelint (optional)1 is fastest and 9 is slowest. 0 is no compression. The default is 5 (introduced in ts-sdk v2.0.0)


dictReturns an object that indicates the file location.


"type": "s3file",
"bucket": "datalake",
"fileKey": "path/to/file",
"fileId": "uuidForFile",
"version": "versionId"

Note: version will not be available when you are running pipelines locally.


content: string, bytes object, byte stream or string


    content='this is a string',

bytes object

    content=bytes('byte content', 'utf-8'),
# or
    content=b'byte content',

byte stream / file object



If a gzipped file is larger than 100MB, the file will be uploaded as a multi-part upload.

For ts-sdk versions <= v1.2.31, the file size limit is 5GB. Starting with ts-sdk v1.2.32, the file size limit has been increased to 5TB.

with"somefile.csv", "rb") as f:


Writes an output IDS file to the data lake.



Notice you can only define file_suffix, you cannot define the complete file name of the output IDS file. The file name is codified and follows a certain pattern, which includes ids_namespace and ids_slug. This means if you switch to a different IDS, the new IDS JSON produced will be a separate file not a new version of the old file.


This function contains the following parameters.

content_objdictDictionary that can be JSON-serialized.
file_suffixstringString that will be appended to the IDS file name generated from the provided information (IDS type and version). Useful for keeping names unique when a task script generates multiple IDS files of the same type. Document will have a systematic file name generated: ${idstype}${idsversion}${file_suffix}.
idsstringIf the file_category is "IDS", then this parameter specifies the specific Intermediate Data Schema. The format is: namespace/slug:v1.2.3.
custom_metadatadict of string to string (optional)Metadata to be appended to a file.

Keys can only include letters, numbers, spaces and symbols +, - or _.

Values can only include letters, numbers, spaces and symbols +, -, _, /, . or ,.
custom_tagslist of strings (optional)Tags to be appended to a file.

Can only include letters, numbers, spaces, and the symbols +, -, ., /, or _).

Limited to 114 characters.
source_typestring (optional)Used to overwrite the source type S3 metadata value of the resulting document. Validation is performed if a value is passed against the regex /^[-a-z0-9]+$/, if no value is passed, we fall back to the default logic (take source type value from the RAW file, or if not found on RAW file, set the value unknown).
file_categorystring (optional)Defaults to IDS. Overwrites file category. Allowed values are IDS and TMP. If value is not provided or if other values is provided, it will be defaulted to IDS.
labelslist of dicts (optional)List of dictionaries where each dictionary is in form { 'name': <LABEL_NAME>, 'value': <LABEL_VALUE> }
gzip_compress_levelint (optional)1 is fastest and 9 is slowest. 0 is no compression. The default is 5 (introduced in ts-sdk v2.0.0)


dictReturns an object that indicates the file location.


"type": "s3file",
"bucket": "datalake",
"fileKey": "path/to/file",
"fileId": "uuidForFile",
"version": "versionId"

Note: version will not be available when you are running pipelines locally.


Use this function to retrieve the filename of a file that is not downloaded locally.


The following table shows the parameters for this function.

filedictFile pointer


stringThe filename of the file. Note that you do not need to download the file locally to access the file name.


def function_in_main(input: dict, context):
    input_file = input["input_file_pointer"]  # passed by protocol script.js
	name = context.get_file_name(input_file)


Use this function to get the Intermediate Data Schema that matches the namespace, slug, and version.


The parameters for this function appear in the following table.

namespacestringA namespace defines a realm; only those with the appropriate permissions can use the artifacts in that realm. There are three main categories of namespace:
• common
• client
• private
slugstringA slug is a unique identifier. The term is also used to denote a reference to a unique identifier (pointer).
versionstringVersion of the IDS.


dictReturns an IDS schema object.


Checks the validity of IDS content provided in data. Throws an error if not valid.


datadictThe JSON content of the IDS file.
namespacestringA namespace defines a realm; only those with the appropriate permissions can use the artifacts in that realm. There are three main categories of namespace:
• common
• client
• private
slugstringA slug is a unique identifier. The term is also used to denote a reference to a unique identifier (pointer).
versionstringVersion of the IDS.


booleanReturns a boolean value indicating whether the IDS is valid (true). It throws an error if the IDS is not valid.


is_ids = validate_ids(ids_data_dict,
             		  namespace = "common",
             		  slug = "cell-counter",
             		  version = "v2.0.0")


Returns the logger object, which currently has one method: log(data).


There are no parameters for this function.


objectThis returns the structured logger object, which currently has one method: log(input).


log an object

logger = context.get_logger()
    "message": "Starting the main parser",
    "level": "info"
# log output
# {"timestamp": "2020-04-22T20:45:02.540947", "message": "Starting the main parser", "level": "info"}
log a string, the default level is “info”

logger = context.get_logger()
logger.log("Writing IDS into the datalake")
# log output
# {"timestamp": "2020-04-22T20:45:02.971038", "message": "Writing IDS into the datalake", "level": "info"}




Instead of this function, we recommend as best practice to pass pipeline configs from your protocol's master-script script.js to your task script function and then using context.resolve_secret to resolve the secret. This makes your task script function less dependent on TS context function (more like a pure function). Please see the documentation for that function.

Retrieves the secret value from a configuration element for use in your script.


secret_namestringSecret slug
silent_on_errorbooleanOptional. Default: True. If set to True and the secret is missing, this function will return an empty string (otherwise an error will be thrown)


strThe value of the secret.


Returns a time-limited HTTPS URL that can be used to access the file. If URL generation fails for any reason (except invalid value for ttl_sec parameter). None will be returned.


Parameters for this function appear in the following table.

filedictFile pointer
ttl_secnumber (optional)How long the URL will be valid before it expires. It is recommended that task scripts adjust this to be in line with the command TTL. Optional, defaults to 300. Must be between 0 and 900, otherwise an error is thrown.


strA time-limited HTTPS URL that can be used to access the file.


Invokes remote command/action on target (agent or connector) and returns its response. This function requires Tetra Hub and Agent support. It's not an out-of-shelf function that you can use on any instrument. Please contact the TetraScience team for more information.



The context.run_command() function is on a deprecation path to be replaced with the context.run_cmd function. This change removes the need to supply an org_slug value in the function.


org_slugstringorganization slug
target_idstringUnique Identifier; identifies the connector or agent that will receive the command. It is recommended that task scripts receive this as a pipeline config parameter
actionstring, enumSee supported actions below.
payloaddictJSON object specific to the selected action
metadatadictA dict that describes command. Method will automatically add values for workflowId, pipelineId and taskId to metadata that will be sent to command service for execution.
(optional, default: 300)
It is recommended that task scripts receive this as a pipeline config parameter. Range: 300 seconds (5min) to 900 seconds (15min)


Send REST call to any network address as long as that address is reachable to GDC

  • Requires TDP v3.0.0 and above
  • Requires Data Hub and Generic Data Connector (GDC)
  • No agent needed


dictReturns a JSON response object returned by the target (agent or connector) that ran the command.


Throws an error when the following are missing: org_slug, target_id, action, payload, and ttl_sec.

Throws an error when the ttl_sec is less than 300 seconds or higher than 900 seconds.

Error messages include the following:

  • command not created successfully
  • TTL has expired
  • command didn’t execute successfully

For SDK version 1.2.22 and above: If the command does not execute successfully, the exception and exception message contains the reason why the command failed. Previously, it was "command status ERROR". Now the error message is "error response from target system."


Updates file's metadata and tags.


filedictFile pointer. File pointer keys bucket and fileKey are required. If the versionId key isn't populated, then the latest file version is used.
custom_metadictUpdates the metadata. Passing "None" for this parameter removes the metadata entry.
custom_tagslistList of new tags where each tag must be a string.


dictReturns an object that describes the file location.

Example Return object

  type: 's3file',
  bucket: 'bucket',
  fileKey: 'fileKey',
  fileId: 'fileId',
  // no version locally (from fake s3)
  version: 'versionId'


ts-sdk versions <= v1.2.31
Raises an error if the file size is over the limit of 5GB. Additionally, the function will raise an exception if no custom_meta or custom_tags are provided.

ts-sdk versions v1.2.32 onward
Raises an error if the file size is over the limit of 5TB. Additionally, the function will return the unmodified file instead of raising an exception.


Returns the secret value. This function is used to convert the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store (SSM) reference to the actual secret value.


secret_refdictContains the SSM Parameter Store path to the secret value.


If you defined a secret in protocol.json as:

  "config": [{
    "slug": "password",
    "name": "Password",
    "description": "This is a password",
    "type": "secret",
    "required": true

Then in the script.js, you will get password reference from the pipeline config:

const pipelineConfig = workflow.getContext('pipelineConfig');
const { password } = pipelineConfig;
await workflow.runTask('task-1', { password });

Then in your task script, you can get the password reference from input["password"]. The reference is a dictionary that contains SSM parameter store path to the secret value, like this:

  "secret": true,
  "ssm": "/development/tetrascience-demo/org-secrets/password",
  "version": 1
def main(input, context):
  password = context.resolve_secret(input.get('password'))


Returns the secret value. If you pass in a parameter that is not a secret, it will simply return the parameter.


Allows you to add labels to a file.

If the file already has a label with the same key name, then a new label with the same key name will be created. The previous label with the same name will not be overwritten.


Parameters appear in the table below.

filedictFile pointer. Note: For ts-sdk v1.2.30 and higher, the context.add_labels function can retrieve the latest version of a file by using the fileId key only. The function doesn't use the fileKey or version keys
labelslist of dictList of dictionaries where each dictionary is in form { 'name': <LABEL_NAME>, 'value': <LABEL_VALUE> }


list of dictsReturns a list of all labels on the file, including added labels, where each label item shows that label's name, value, TDP ID, and creation time.


Using File ID:

    {"fileId": "31546691-1860-4016-b5f6-461dedf92d07"},
        {"name": "new_label_example_1", "value": "test_value_1"},
        {"name": "new_label_example_2", "value": "test_value_2"},

or a file pointer:

      "bucket": "ts-dip-uat-datalake",
      "fileKey": "tetrascience-klimavicz/80e0dc2d-b1ad-4012-9a24-f9136fb4ab5b/PROCESSED/chromeleon2/ChromeleonLocal/SIMPLO/test/linearity_test_Theia_TS-221.seq/",
      "version": "lMlm0b0SousWN962QHts04GFVobg64t_"
        {"name": "new_label_example_1", "value": "test_value_1"},
        {"name": "new_label_example_2", "value": "test_value_2"},


        "name": "new_label_example_1",
        "value": "test_value_1",
        "id": 50067309,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:41:46.988Z",
        "name": "new_label_example_2",
        "value": "test_value_2",
        "id": 50067310,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:41:46.988Z",
        "name": "old_label_name",
        "value": "old_label_value",
        "id": 50067197,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:00:56.055Z",


Use this function to get all of the labels associated with a file.


filedictFile pointer. Note: For ts-sdk v1.2.30 and higher, the context.get_labels function can retrieve the latest version of a file by using the fileId key only. The function doesn't use the fileKey or version keys.


list of dictsReturns a list of dicts of the labels on the given file, where each dict contains the name, value, TDP id, and createdAt timestamp for the label. An example is included below.


Using File ID:

context.get_labels({"fileId": "31546691-1860-4016-b5f6-461dedf92d07"})

or a file pointer:

    "bucket": "ts-dip-uat-datalake",
    "fileKey": "tetrascience/80e0dc2d-b1ad-4012-9a24-f9136fb4ab5b/PROCESSED/chromeleon2/ChromeleonLocal/test/linearity_test_TS-221.seq/",
    "version": "lMlm0b0SousWN962QHts04GFVobg64t_"


        "name": "instrument_name",
        "value": "HPLC-1",
        "id": 50067197,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:00:56.055Z",
        "name": "sequence_name",
        "value": "linearity_test_TS-221",
        "id": 50067195,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:00:56.055Z",
        "name": "software",
        "value": "Chromeleon 7",
        "id": 50067194,
        "createdAt": "2024-07-23T15:00:56.055Z",


Use this function to delete one or more labels from a file. Labels are discussed in detail in the Basic Concepts: Metadata, Tags, and Labels topic.


filedictFile pointer. Note: For ts-sdk v1.2.30 and higher, the context.delete_labels function can retrieve the latest version of a file by using the fileId key only.
label_idsList(str)IDs of the labels you want to delete.


objectAn empty object if the label was successfully deleted from the file.


This function has been added with TDP v3.0.0 and ts-sdk v1.2.20. This function allows you to add metadata, tags, or labels to an object.


filedictFile pointer. The context.add_Attributes function requires the following file pointer keys: bucket, fileId, and fileKey.
custom_metadictOptional. List of metadata values and keys. Passing in a value of "None" will remove all metadata from the file.
custom_tagslistOptional. List of tags.
labelslistOptional. List of dictionaries where each dictionary is in form
{ 'name': <LABEL_NAME>, 'value': <LABEL_VALUE> }


dictReturns a dict that describes the file location. A new file version will be generated if metadata/tags were provided.


This function has been added with TDP v3.1.0 and ts-sdk v1.2.24. It helps to search files by using Query DSL. For more information, see Query DSL Queries and Query DSL in the OpenSearch documentation.



Query DSL queries run on indices in an OpenSearch cluster can return partial search results if the query puts too much compute load on the system. This behavior occurs because the OpenSearch search.default_allow_partial_result setting is configured as true by default. To help avoid this issue, customers should use targeted search indexing best practices to reduce query compute loads.


payloaddictQuery DSL. You can read more about the query format that OpenSearch uses on their website
(added in ts-sdk v1.2.30)
str- raw (default): raw response from OpenSearch
- filePointers: returns list of file pointers that can be used in context.read_file



if returns=raw then dict
if returns=filePointers then list
Result of the ES query (raw or file pointers).


The following context.search_eql query example targets all files indexed as raw and processed documents for a specific IDS version (lcuv-empower:v16):

context.search_eql(payload, query={ 'index': ['raw', 'processed', 'lcuv-empower:v16'] })



Wildcard (*) searches are supported but not recommended. For more information, see Wildcard Searches.