Cloud Configuration of Tetra Agents



To restrict access to the local Tetra Agent Management Console, you can edit the Agent’s installation folder’s permissions to grant least privilege access. For more information, see Restrict Access to Agent Installation.

Access the Agents Page

To use the cloud configuration feature, you must access the Agents page. To access the Agents page, complete the following steps.

  1. Sign in to the Tetra Data Platform (TDP).
  2. In the left navigation menu, choose Data Sources.
  3. Choose Agents. The Agents page appears.

Information Available on the Agents Page

Number of AgentsTotal number of agents listed
OnlineNumber of agents that are online
OfflineNumber of agents that are offline
Search Text BoxAllows you to find the names of agents that match what is typed in the text box
Connector Type FilterAllows you to see all results (All), or to view only GDC (Generic Data Connector) or API
Agent TypeSelections include All as well as the different types of agents that TetraScience supports, such as Empower or File-Log Agent
Status FilterFilters results so that you can see all statuses, only agents that are online, or only agents that are offline
Enabled FilterAllows you to see all Agents, only enabled Agents, or only deactivated Agents. By default, only enabled Agents are shown. Choosing No resets the status filter, because deactivated agents are likely offline.
StatusIndicates whether the agent is online or offline, the type of agent, the type of configuration (cloud or local), and if the queue is enabled or disabled
DetailsShows the details for each agent, including its the source and tags

Create a New Agent

To select a connector for an agent, add an agent record, and install an agent, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, choose the Create New Agent button.
  2. The Add Agent wizard appears.
  3. Select an existing connector (either an existing Tetra Hub or Tetra Data Hub or the No Connector option), or choose Create One. For more information, see Agent Deployment Options. Then, choose Next.
  4. Enter the following information about the agent:
    • For Name, enter the agent’s name.
    • For Description, enter the agent's description.
    • (Optional) add [attributes](Attributes: Metadata, Tags, and Labels), such as labels, metadata, and tags.
    • For Agent Type, select the agent type from the drop-down list.
    • (For User Defined Agents only) For Source Type, enter the agent's source type.
  5. Choose Create Agent on Platform. A dialog appears that confirms that the Agent is created.
  6. Choose either Not Now or Continue Installing Agent, based on when you want to install the agent.
  7. If you chose to install the agent now, the Install Agent Locally page appears. Complete the instructions on that page to install the agent.
  8. Use the Agent ID and Org Slug to configure the installed agent.
  9. If using a Tetra Hub, select the Hub in the list to retrieve the connection URL. Then, choose Next.
  10. Add a new Service User for the Agent to use when communicating with the TDP. Make sure that the Service User has at least a Member or Administrator role. Then, enter the token for the new user on the installed Agent and choose Next.



    For security reasons, it's recommended that you always create a new Service User for each Tetra Agent. The TDP does not allow you to select an existing Service User and copy its tokens to create a new Agent.

  11. To see if the agent is online or offline, select the Check Status.
  12. Choose Done.

Edit an Agent

To edit an agent record, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the row of the agent that you want to edit. An Info menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Edit. Then, modify the agent’s name, description, attributes, agent type, and source type as needed.
  3. Choose Save. The cloud configuration is sent to the on-premises agent. If the agent has the queue enabled in its interface, the configuration is pushed there.

Change an Agent's GDC or Connection Type

To register an Agent with a new Generic Data Connector (GDC) or change its connection type, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the row of the agent that you want to update. An Info menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Change Connector. A dialog appears that prompts you to either select a new GDC, or No Connector if you want the agent to communicate to the TDP directly or through a Tetra Hub.
  3. In the right menu, choose Install Agent. The Install Agent page appears and displays the agent's new Connection URL.
  4. Open the Agent's local management console and enter the new connection URL in the Connection Url field. The Agent validates the connection immediately and displays the updated connection status next to the Connection Url field.
  5. Choose Save. Then, choose Start to start the Agent and begin uploading files using the new GDC or connection type.

Upload Data to an Agent by Using cURL

To see an example cURL command that uploads data to an agent, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the row of the agent that you want to modify. An Info menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Upload cURL command. A cURL command along with a list of required inputs appears that you can use to upload data to the selected agent.
  3. Choose Close.

Disable an Agent's Connection



The TDP doesn't accept data from agents with disabled connections. Agents with disabled connections will still function, but the files will not be copied to the Tetra Data Lake by the TDP.

To disable an agent's connection, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the name of the agent that you want to disable the connection for. A menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Disable Connection. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to disable the agent.
  3. Choose OK. In the agent's entry on the Agents page, Queue Disabled appears in the STATUS column.

Enable an Agent's Connection

To enable an agent's connection, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the name of the agent that you want to enable the connection for. A menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Enable. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to enable the agent.
  3. Choose OK.

Enable the Agent's Queue

To enable an agent's queue, do the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the name of the agent that you want to enable a queue for. A menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Enable Queue. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to enable the queue.
  3. Choose OK. In the agent's entry on the Agents page, Queue Enabled appears in the STATUS column.

Disable the Agent's Queue

To disable an agent's queue, do the following

  1. On the Agents page, select the name of the agent that you want to disable the queue for. A menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Disable Queue. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to disable the queue.
  3. Choose OK. In the agent's entry on the Agents page, Queue Disabled appears in the STATUS column.

Troubleshoot Agent Configuration Issues

  • If you get a Cloud/Local Configuration is Out of Sync message, it means that the cloud configurations and the local configurations are different. You can review the differences by selecting the Review Cloud Configuration and Review Local Configuration buttons. You can then choose whether to push the configuration or reject it.
  • If you need the org slug and token you'll need to either get it from your account page or generate a token for a service user.
  • For the File-Log Agent, the username needs to have a dash. For example, Administrator fails, but .\\Administrator works.

Download Agent Configuration Settings



To start, the Download Configuration button works for Tetra File-Log Agents only. This functionality will be added to other Tetra Agents on a rolling basis through future Agent releases.

TDP users with either Administrator or Developer policies assigned to their roles can download an Agent's configuration settings by doing the following:

  1. On the Agents page, select the row of the agent that you want to download configuration settings for. An Info menu appears on the right.
  2. Choose Download Configuration. A .json file that contains the Agent's configuration settings downloads to your local machine.