Use TDP to Connect to Athena SQL Tables

This page describes how an Admin user can use the Tetra Data Platform (TDP) to do the following:

  • Get AWS credentials to query Amazon Athena SQL tables
  • View Athena SQL tables and structure

For instructions on how to integrate Athena tables with third-party tools, see Use Third-Party Tools to Connect to Athena Tables.

Get AWS Credentials to Query Athena SQL Tables

  1. Sign in to the TDP. Make sure that you're in the right organization.
  2. In the left navigation menu, choose Administration. Then, choose Organization Settings. The Organization Settings page appears.
  3. Select the SQL Access tab. The SQL Access tab appears.
  4. If your SQL User already has AWS credentials (ACCESS KEY and SECRET KEY), the information displays in the ATHENA CREDENTIALS section. Additional connection parameters that are required to connect a third-party tool to the Athena tables are also listed (DRIVERS, URL, S3OUTPUTLOCATION).
  5. To create new AWS credentials for your SQL User, choose Replace Credentials. A dialog appears that asks you to confirm the change. Choose Create new credentials.



An organization can have one set of credentials active at a time only. If you choose Replace Credentials, the new set of generated credentials will cause the previous set of credentials to become obsolete.

View Athena SQL Tables and Structure

  1. Open the SQL Access page. (See steps 1-2 in Get AWS Credentials to Query Athena SQL Tables.)
  2. In the SQL TABLES section, select the SQL table that you want to see. The row expands to show the table's properties, columns, and parameters.