Tetra Cellario Connector
This topic explains how to add, configure, and view data using the Tetra Cellario Connector. The Tetra Cellario Connector delivers data from Cellario software into the Tetra Data Platform (TDP). It automates the writing and execution of API calls to retrieve data from Cellario and upload it into TDP. You can set up regularly-scheduled, automatic retrieval of data, freeing you from time-consuming manual data transfers.
Before You Start
To add the Tetra Cellario Connector, you need:
- Cellario account credentials
- Cellario instance installed and running
Set up the Tetra Cellario Connector
You can set up the Tetra Cellario Connector in two ways:
- As a Cloud Connector
- As a Data Hub Connector
Set up the Tetra Cellario Connector as a Cloud Connector
To set up the Tetra Cellario Connector as a cloud connector, log into the TDP and do the following:
- Select the Hamburger menu on the top left hand side of the page.
- Select Data Sources just below the Hamburger menu.
- Select HRB Cellario. The HRB Cellario Source Management page appears.

HRB Cellario Source Management
- Click Add HRB Cellario Integration in the upper right corner side of the page. The Create HRB Cellario integration page appears.
Create HRB Cellario
- Go to the Integration configuration section below.
Set up the Tetra Cellario Connector as a Data Hub Connector
Before you begin, a Tetra Data Hub should have already been added. See Add a Connector to the Data Hub for a step-by-step guide on how to set up connectors in the DataHub. When prompted to select a connector type, choose HRB Cellario. After naming your Connector, proceed to the Integration configuration section below to continue.
Integration Configuration
After you have created the Tetra Cellario Connector as a Cloud Connector or as a DataHub Connector, you will need to configure it.
To obtain the following authentication information and credentials for the configuration parameters, contact your IT Administrator responsible for your Cellario software.
- In the Create HRB Cellario integration page, enter the URL and Authentication Type.
- URL: The IP address and port of the Cellario server you want to connect to.
- Authentication Type: From the drop-down menu, select Basic, Token Based, or OAuth2.0.
If you choose Basic or Token Based, enter the following:
- Username: The username for the Cellario instance you want to connect to.
- Password Secret: The password for the Cellario username. See Shared Settings and Secrets for more information on shared password secrets.
If you choose OAuth 2.0, enter the following:
- OAuth2.0 Authorization URL: The URL of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
- Scope: Parameter to specify the access required for OAuth2.0 authorization.
- Client ID: ID for which the user is seeking authorization.
- Client Secret: Secret string used to prove the identity of the user requesting OAuth2.0 authorization.
- Enter the rest of the required information needed to configure the connection.
- Polling interval: This determines how often the Cellario Connector will check for new events. Changing this setting is optional. The default value is 5 minutes.
- Polling Overlap Interval (Seconds): Cellario event times are generated in memory and saved in the database. There is a small time delta between the creation of the event until it is saved. To not skip some events (which are not stored in Cellario database yet) the software allows you to indicate the overlap polling interval with the previous period. The default value is 60 seconds.
- Upload event bundle: The checkbox determines whether you want the connector to upload metadata for events that do not have scientific results (e.g. starting the system, loading samples, saving files) from Cellario. This is an optional setting, the default value is false.
- After you have entered the configuration parameters, click Create.
- If setting up a Hub Connector, you are all finished. If you are connecting directly to TDP, click ‘Add Source’ under your new connector, give it a name and description, and then choose any labels, tags, or metadata you wish to attach to your ingested Cellario data.
View Cellario Data in TDP
To view the data from Cellario in TDP, you will first need to create a pipeline and select the appropriate protocol to unzip the files. See Set Up and Edit Pipelines for a step-by-step guide, and select the HRB Cellario data unzip and upload protocol.
The scientific data delivered by Tetra Cellario Connector into TDP is in a .zip file that contains:
- A single JSON Document on the root folder, which contains events and files generated in one order. An order is the sequence of actions the Cellario system is programmed to do, typically an experiment workflow designed to tell the robotic arm what actions to take.
- A collection of subfolders that contain instrument data
- A folder that contains system logs
- The system logs folder also contains system metadata that can help you with troubleshooting.
Upon successful Tetra Cellario Connector configuration, the data is uploaded automatically, as determined by polling interval, and shows up as soon as it is available without any further user input. Once the Tetra Cellario Connector is set up and delivering data, view the data in the TDP by doing the following.
- Select the Hamburger menu, then select Search Files.
- Click List, then filter on "HRB Cellario" files by clicking the checkbox on the left-hand side of the screen.

Filter HRB
Filtering for and Viewing HRB Cellario Data on TDP
Once the .zip files are in TDP, you can set up a Tetra Pipeline using our hrb-cellario-unzip-and-upload
protocol. Finally, once the data packages are unzipped, additional pipelines can be triggered to extract and harmonize each vendor-proprietary format into the Intermediate Data Schema (IDS) and then push to update electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) entries.
To see what pipelines are available and suitable for your needs, contact your TetraScience Solutions Architect or Scientific Business Analyst. For more information on IDS, see Intermediate Data Schema (IDS) Overview.
Supported Instruments
A non-exhaustive list of supported plate readers includes:
- BioTek: Synergy 2
- BMG Labtech: CLARIOstar, NEPHELOstar, FLUOstar, SPECTROstar
- MSD: Quickplex
- PerkinElmer: EnVision, Labchip, Microbeta2, Topcount
- TECAN: d300e & Sunrise
- ThermoFisher: Fluoroskan
- Unchained Labs: Lunatic
- WYATT: DynaPro
Updated over 1 year ago