Product Release Schedule

This topic addresses the overall release cadence for different components of the Tetra Scientific Data Cloud. The schedule for communications about specific releases is also listed.

Note that the schedule listed below is subject to change.

Basic Release Schedule

The following lists the release schedule cadence for the TDP, Tetra Agents, and Artifacts.

Tetra Data Platform (TDP)

  • Major/Minor releases are available 3 times a year, approx 4 months apart.
  • Patches are available as required (generally once a month).

Tetra Agents

  • Major/Minor releases are available 4 times a year, approx 3 months apart.
  • Patches are available as required (generally once a month).

Artifacts (IDS, Task Scripts, Protocol)

  • Typically, there are multiple releases per month.

GxP Release Schedule

Tetra Hosted Multi Tenant (MT) GxP customers are provided two months after the major or minor release is available to complete their validation. Any critical or high-severity issues reported during the two-month period will be addressed. At the end of the two-month period, GxP production is upgraded.


Release time line for Tetra Hosted MT GxP customers.

For Tetra Hosted Single Tenant (ST) GxP customers, their CSM’s will work to plan the timeline for upgrades.


Release Timeline for Tetra Hosted ST GxP customers

Communication Schedule

Communication about TDP releases is scheduled as follows.

TDP Major/Minor Releases

  • High-level Themes information is generally available one month prior to the release.
  • Content Details are typically available two weeks prior to the release
  • Release Notes are available on the day of the release.

TDP Patches

  • Content Details are typically available a few days prior to the release.
  • Release Notes are available on the day of the release

If you have further questions, contact Customer Support.