Tetra Data Platform Roles and Permissions/Features Available by Role

The following roles and permissions are available for Tetra Data Platform (TDP) versions 3.5.x and higher.


Each TDP deployment includes the following roles:

  • Admin (Includes organizational administrators)
  • Member
  • Read-Only



Customer hosted TDP deployments also include a ts-admin role. The ts-admin role provides the same permissions as the Org Admin role, along with additional permissions for creating and managing organizations.

As part of standard platform support and maintenance agreements, TetraScience Customers Success and Support Engineers will be granted access to the platform as a Read-Only user.

Permissions by Role

Permissions are indicated using the following letters:

  • C - Create
  • R - Read
  • U - Update
  • D - Delete

Additional explanatory details appear in some of the cells below.

TDP FeatureOrg AdminMemberRead-Only
Search Files and File DetailsC, R, U, D
(Can upload a new file, can upload a new version of a file, can add MTL, and delete files)
R, U
(Can upload a new file, can upload a new version of a file, can add MTL)
(Cannot upload files.)
Pipeline: File ProcessingR, U, D
(Can reprocess select files or reprocess files through bulk actions.)
R, U
(Can reprocess select files only.)
(Cannot reprocess files.)
Pipeline: Pipeline ManagerC, R, U
(Can enable and disable pipelines.)
(Cannot edit internal protocol configurations.)
(Cannot edit internal protocol configurations.)
Artifacts (Data Schemas) RRR
Data SourcesC, R, U, D
(Can create new connections to data sources, can edit and delete those connections)
Health MonitoringRRR
(Must have GxP package and compliance features must be enabled.)
(Must have GxP package and compliance features must be enabled.)
(Must have GxP package and compliance features must be enabled.)
View IDS TypesR
(Can apply filters and view schema and artifact details.)
(Can apply filters and view schema and artifact details.)
(Can apply filters and view schema and artifact details.)
Attribute Management (Metadata, Tags, and Labels)C, R, DRR
API DocumentationRRR
Account: Account DetailC, R, U
(Can update password and copy account JSON Token.)
C, R, U
(Can update password and copy account JSON Token.)
C, R, U
(Can update password and copy account JSON Token.)
Account: Organizational MembershipC, R, U, DRR
Account: Organizational DetailsC, R, U, D
(Add and Manage User Accounts, view compliance Settings, Update Password Policies)
Account: Service UsersC, R, U
(Can add, update, view, enable and disable service users and can create service user tokens)
(Cannot create or copy tokens)
(Cannot create or copy tokens)
Account: SQL AccessC, R, U
(Can create and update SQL access credentials and view additional connection parameters. Can also See SQL table descriptions)
(Can see SQL table descriptions)
(Can see SQL table descriptions)
Account: Shared SettingsC, R, U, D
Cannot view content of secret settings, just the name of the secret.
Cannot view content of secret settings, just the name of the secret.
Cannot view content of secret settings, just the name of the secret.
Account: Audit TrailRRR