Tetra Cellario Connector v2
The Tetra Cellario Connector v2 is a standalone, containerized application that integrates HRB Cellario data with the Tetra Data Platform (TDP). Cellario is a lab automation scheduling software for life science robotics developed by HighRes Biosolutions (HRB).
Users can configure the Connector to periodically poll a Cellario server for new order events, and then upload the data packages to the TDP. The polling frequency is configurable for each Connector, and users can manually upload events that are completed within a specific time range.
To install the Tetra Cellario Connector v2, you must have the following:
- Cellario account credentials
- A Cellario instance, installed and running
Operational Guide
To set up a Tetra Cellario Connector v2, do the following.
Create a Tetra Cellario Connector v2
- Sign in to the TDP. Then, in the left navigation menu, choose Data Sources and select Connectors. The Connectors page appears.
- Follow the instructions in Create a Pluggable Connector. For CONNECTOR TYPE, make sure that you select common HRB Cellario.
If you select Hub for the deployment mode, a Connector container is deployed in the selected Tetra Hub v2. If you select Cloud, a standalone instance running the Connector is deployed.
Configure the Connector
On the Connectors page, select the name of the connector that you created. Then, select the Configuration tab to configure the required settings.

Connector Details page: Configuration tab
Configuration Parameters
The following table lists the configuration parameters that are required for the Tetra Cellario Connector v2.
Configuration Parameter | Description |
Cellario URL | URL for the Cellario server, including protocol, hostname, and port. If port is not specified, the default port for the protocol will be used. For example: https://yourcellarioserver.com or https://yourcellarioserver.com:8443 |
Username | Username of the Cellario user with permissions to retrieve events. Required if using password authentication. |
Password | Password of the Cellario user with permissions to retrieve events. Required if using password authentication. |
OAuth2.0 Authorization URL | The endpoint to retrieve the authentication code. Required if using OAuth2.0. |
OAuth2.0 Scope | (Optional) OAuth2.0 scope. |
OAuth2.0 Client ID | Client ID. Required if using OAuth2.0. |
OAuth2.0 Client Secret | Client secret. Required if using OAuth2.0. |
Polling Interval | Interval, in minutes, of how often data is uploaded to the TDP. The minimum value is 1 minute. The default value is 10 minutes. |
Max Results per Interval | Maximum number of results to upload for each polling interval. If not specified, no limit is enforced. |
Disable SSL Certificate Verification | If checked, Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificate verification is deactivated. The default value is false. |
Review and Edit the Connector's Information
The Information tab on the Connector Details page displays information about the Connector, the files pending, successfully uploaded, or failed. It also provides functionalities to edit a Connector’s information, metadata, and tags.
To review and edit the Connector's information, see Review and Edit a Pluggable Connector's Information.

Connector Details page: Information tab
After a Connector instance is created and running, you can monitor the Connector’s health by selecting the Metrics tab on the Connector Details page. The Metrics tab displays the Connector's container metrics as well as aggregated states on total files scanned and uploaded as well as files that returned errors or are pending.

Connector Details page: Metrics tab
Manual Upload
The Manual Upload tab contains the feature to manually initiate an upload of all available data from the Cellario completed within a date range to the TDP.
To perform a manual upload, do the following:
- Select the Manual Upload tab.
- Select Start date/time and End date/time range. Time zone is local time.
- Choose the Upload button.
- All available data within the date range is uploaded to the TDP.

Connector Details page: Manual Upload tab
View Cellario Data in the TDP
After the Tetra Cellario Connector is set up, you can view the data packages in the TDP by doing the following:
- In the left navigation menu, select Search Files.
- Choose Source Type. Then, select the hrb-cellario checkbox on the left filter menu.

Filter HRB
Cellario Data Folder Structure
The Tetra Cellario Connector uploads scientific data into the TDP as a compressed .zip file that contains the following:
- A single JSON file in the
folder, which contains events and files generated in one order
An order is the sequence of actions the Cellario system is programmed to do; typically an experiment workflow designed to tell the robotic arm what actions to take.
- A collection of subfolders that contain instrument data
- A folder that contains system logs
- The system logs folder that also contains system metadata, which can help you with troubleshooting.
Data is uploaded automatically as determined by the configured polling interval, and displays in the TDP as soon as it's available.
Filtering for and Viewing Cellario Data in the TDP
After the .zip files are uploaded to the TDP, you can programmatically unzip the data packages by setting up a Tetra Data Pipeline that using the following task script and protocol:
- Task script:
- Protocol:
After the data packages are unzipped, you can configure additional pipelines that can be triggered to extract and harmonize each vendor-proprietary format into the Intermediate Data Schema (IDS), and then push that data to update electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) entries.
To see what pipelines are available and suitable for your needs, contact your TetraScience Solutions Architect or Scientific Business Analyst.
Supported Instruments
The following is an incomplete list of some of the plate readers that the Tetra Cellario Connector v2 currently supports:
For a complete list of supported instruments, contact your TetraScience Solutions Architect or Scientific Business Analyst.
- BioTek: Synergy 2
- BMG Labtech: CLARIOstar, NEPHELOstar, FLUOstar, SPECTROstar
- MSD: Quickplex
- PerkinElmer: EnVision, Labchip, Microbeta2, Topcount
- TECAN: d300e & Sunrise
- ThermoFisher: Fluoroskan
- Unchained Labs: Lunatic
- WYATT: DynaPro
Updated about 1 year ago