IDS Design - athena.json


Location Changed

The content of this page has been moved to TetraScience Confluence and it's not public-facing anymore. We will revise this page once self-service IDS is available.

Platform Requirements

WARNING: athena.json is not yet validated by the IDS validator

#RuleChecked by IDS Validator
1The partition name cannot collide with any of the normalized IDS paths. See details in Partition PathNo
2The partition path cannot be a field in an array of objects. See details in Partition PathNo

TS Convention


Copy the template below into your athena.json file

    "root": "root",
    "partitions": []

Make sure you have the correct partitions defined. Follow the rest of this tutorial to learn how to define partitions.

For most common use cases, keep "root": "root"

  • If you want to name your root table differently, for example "root": "injection", the root table will be called <idsType>_<idsMajorVersionNumber>_injection

If you want to be familiar with Athena partition and how we use it, check out the Partition section in .


Partitioning can be used to improve Athena performance. Data is partitioned based on the value of the chosen field(s) given in the partitions property.

A partition is defined by an object which has a path and a name. Objects are placed into the partitions array in athena.json

  "path": "sample.year",
  "name": "year"

Multiple partitions can be created. For example, if an IDS contains values for year and month you can create two partitions.


If you are creating more than one partition, ordering within the partitions array is important. Place the main partition first, then any sub-partitions later.

For example, if partitioning by year and month, create:

  "root": "root",
  "partitions": [{
    "path": "sample.year",
    "name": "year"
  }, {
    "path": "sample.month",
    "name": "month"

Partition Path

path defines the location of the value within an IDS file. Partitions can be created only from paths (columns) which are available in the root table. That means any property whose path is not nested inside an array.

Valid path: sample.batch_name (sample is an object)
Invalid path: samples[*].batch_name (samples is an array of objects)

Partition Name

The name defines what the partition column will be called.



Do not name the partition the same as the normalized value of the IDS path, or any other path in the IDS. You can find more details in Athena table/column/partition name normalization

Valid case: sample.batch_name (sample is an object)

  "path": "sample.batch_name",
  "name": "sample_batch"

Invalid case:

  "path": "sample.batch_name",
  "name": "sample_batch_name"

Choice of partition

When choosing a property to be the partition, consider several factors:

  • How will data be balanced across partitions
  • How many values will partition generate

A good choice for a partition is a property that will split approximately equally between partitions, that will not generate too many partitions and that will be a useful column to filter by in an SQL query.

Good choices: year, project, location
Bad choices: sample_value, created_at (because they are too unique)

Partition Examples

Example 1: No Partitioning

Partition Examples - Example 1 No Partitioning

IDS Type: example

IDS Version: v1.0.0


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "class": { "type": "string" },
    "results": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "value": { "type": "number" },
          "unit": { "type": "string" }


    "root": "experiments"

A combination of schema.json and athena.json are used to generate a file containing the definitions of the data transformation which occurs when any IDS of this type and version arrives in the datalake. This file is called normalized.json and it contains all the information necessary to create Athena tables as well as transform incoming JSON into CSV.


Whatever value you enter as the root, will be sanitized according to the following rule

Resulting Tables

table 1 name: example_v1_experiments


table 2 name: example_v1_results



When an IDS file arrives, CSV files are generated.

Incoming file: /folder/test/0.json

    "name": "Experiment #1",
    "class": "distillation",
    "results": [{
        "value": 1829,
        "unit": "s"
    }, {
        "value": 1.23,
        "unit": "l"

Generated CSV Files

All files will be found under s3://<athena-bucket>/<orgSlug>/

  • /example/v1/experiments/foldertest0.json.csv.gz
  • /example/v1/results/foldertest0.json.csv.gz
  • /metadata/v1/foldertest0.json.csv.gz

Query results


SELECT * FROM example_v1_experiments;


4be5d31a-587c-4974-8653-728f167df201Experiment #1distillation


SELECT * FROM example_v1_results;



Example 2: With Partitioning

Partition Examples - Example 2 With Partitioning

IDS Type: example

IDS Version: v2.0.0

schema.json (same as Example 1)

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": { "type": "string" },
    "class": { "type": "string" },
    "results": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "value": { "type": "number" },
          "unit": { "type": "string" }


  "root": "experiments",
  "partitions": [{
    "name": "experiment_class",
    "path": "class"

Resulting Tables

table 1 name: example_v2_experiments


table 2 name: example_v2_results


Notice experiment_class is a virtual column with type String


When an IDS file arrives, CSV files are generated.

Incoming file: /folder/test/0.json (same as Example 1)

    "name": "Experiment #1",
    "class": "distillation",
    "results": [{
        "value": 1829,
        "unit": "s"
    }, {
        "value": 1.23,
        "unit": "l"

Generated CSV Files

All files will be found under s3://<athena-bucket>/<orgSlug>/:

  • /example/v2/experiments/experiment_class=distillation/foldertest0.json.csv.gz
  • /example/v2/results/experiment_class=distillation/foldertest0.json.csv.gz
  • /metadata/v1/foldertest0.json.csv.gz

Query results


SELECT * FROM example_v2_experiments;


2be5d31a-587c-4974-8653-728f167df201Experiment #1distillationdistillation


SELECT * FROM example_v2_results;



Athena table/column/partition name normalization

Athena has restrictions on what tables/columns/partitions can be named:

  • lowercase letter and number
  • no special characters, except underscore _

Because IDS keys can potentially include uppercase and special chars we need to sanitize the name to conform to Athena spec. The transformations rules are applied:

  • to lowercase
  • replace all special chars with underscore
  • remove repeated underscores
  • remove leading underscore

Example 1:

IDS property path: _Weird-partition!@name
Athena column name: weird_partition_name

Example 2:

IDS property path: @fileId
Athena column name: fileid

Example 3:

IDS property path:
Athena column partition: project_name

Athena value sanitization

Make sure you escape: line break, return character, escape characters, comma in the value

Avoid using array of string literal that contains ","


["A,B", "C"] will be serialized into A,B,C