Enrich Data by Using SSPs: Add Extra Data to Files

You can create self-service Tetra Data pipelines (SSPs) to get information from other files within the Tetra Scientific Data Cloud, and then use that historical data to augment new data.

This topic provides an example setup for adding extra data to files by using an SSP.


The following diagram shows an example SSP workflow for enriching files with extra data:

Example SSP workflow for enriching data

Example SSP workflow for enriching data

The diagram shows the following workflow:

  1. The “Hello, World!” SSP Example sspdemo-taskscript task script version is updated to v4.0.0. The config.json file has four exposed functions:
    • print-hello-world (main.print_hello_world), which is the print_hello_world function found in the main.py file.
    • decorate-input-file (main.decorate_input_file), which is the decorate_input_file function found in the main.py file.
    • harmonize-input-file (main.harmonize_input_file), which is the harmonize_input_file function found in the main.py file.
    • enrich-input-file (main.enrich_input_file), which is the enrich_input_file function found in the main.py file.
  2. A protocol named enrich (v1.0.0) is created. The protocol.yml file provides the protocol name, description, and outlines one step: enrich-input-file-step. This step points to the sspdemo-taskscript task script and the exposed function, enrich-input-file. The input to this function is the input file that kicked off the pipeline workflow.



For an example SSP folder structure, see SSP Folder Structure in the "Hello, World!" SSP Example.

Create and Deploy the Task Script

Task scripts are the building blocks of protocols, so you must build and deploy your task scripts before you can deploy a protocol that uses them.

Task scripts require the following:

  • A config.json file that contains configuration information that exposes and makes your Python functions accessible so that protocols can use them.
  • A Python file that contains python functions (main.py in the following examples) that include the code that’s used in file processing.
  • A requirements.txt file that either specifies any required third-party Python modules, or that is left empty if no modules are needed.

To create and deploy a task script that retrieves information from other files within the Tetra Scientific Data Cloud, and then uses that historical data to augment the processed file, do the following.



For more information about creating custom task scripts, see Task Script Files. For information about testing custom task scripts locally, see Create and Test Custom Task Scripts.

Create a config.json File

Create a config.json file in your code editor by using the following code snippet:

    "language": "python",
    "runtime": "python3.11",
    "functions": [
            "slug": "print-hello-world",
            "function": "main.print_hello_world"
            "slug": "decorate-input-file",
            "function": "main.decorate_input_file"
            "slug": "harmonize-input-file",
            "function": "main.harmonize_input_file"
            "slug": "enrich-input-file",
            "function": "main.enrich_input_file"



You can choose which Python version a task script uses by specifying the "runtime" parameter in the script's config.json file. Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 are supported currently. If you don't include a "runtime" parameter, the script uses Python v3.7 by default.

Update Your main.py File

Using the task script from Harmonize Data by Using SSPs: Map RAWS Files to IDS Files, add the following elements to your task script:

# Add this new function
def enrich_input_file(input: dict, context: Context) -> dict:

    # Perform elasticsearch query
    # This query could also be in a configuration element and be passed to task-script
    # Here it's hardcoded and there is only one file on the test platform that it finds.

    elasticsearch_query =  {
                            "query": {
                                "bool": {
                                    "must": [
                                                    "term": { "category": "RAW" }
                                                    "nested": {
                                                        "path": "labels",
                                                        "query": {
                                                            "bool": {
                                                                "must": [
                                                                        "term": {
                                                                            "labels.name": "enrichment-file"
                                                                        "term": {
                                                                            "labels.value": "enrichment-file"

    # Take contents of file and add a label
    print("Using Elasticsearch")
    eql_file_pointers = context.search_eql(payload=elasticsearch_query, returns="filePointers")

    # Open the file and import json
    print("Getting extra file contents")
    f = context.read_file(eql_file_pointers[0], form='file_obj')
    enrichfile_data = f['file_obj'].read().decode("utf-8")

    # This file has some labels and then some other data
    # ASSUMPTION: This extra file has a specific format and can be parsed to add data to IDS
    print("Get Labels and Data")
    labels, data = enrichfile_data.split('\n\ndata')

    labels_to_add = [{"name": x.split(", ")[0], "value": x.split(", ")[1]} for x in labels.split('\n')]
    data_to_add = [[int(y) for y in x.split(',')] for x in data.split('\n')[1:-1]]

    # Get IDS input file and add to the json
    print("Get IDS File info")
    input_file_pointer = input["input_file_pointer"]
    g = context.read_file(input_file_pointer, form='file_obj')
    ids_data = g['file_obj'].read().decode("utf-8")
    ids_json = json.loads(ids_data)
    ids_json["extra_data"] = data_to_add

    # Save this file to S3 as PROCESSED and save pointer to return
    print("Saving PROCESSED file")
    saved_processed = context.write_file(

    # Add labels to processed file
    print("Adding labels")
    added_labels = context.add_labels(

    print("'enrich_input_file' completed")
    return saved_processed

Context API

In the Python code provided in this example setup, the Context API is used by importing it in the main.py file (from ts_sdk.task.__task_script_runner import Context). The Context section provides the necessary APIs for the task script to interact with the TDP.

This example setup uses the following Context API endpoint:



When using the context.search_eql endpoint, keep in mind the following:

  • To have the file pointer parameter read file contents, make sure that you supply returns = "filePointers" in the API request.
  • Inefficient EQL searches can cause performance issues. When initially testing this setup, make sure that your query returns one file only.



The task script example provided in this procedure includes a hardcoded EQL query for demonstration purposes.

Instead of hardcoding an EQL query in your production environment, it’s a best practice to create a configuration element in your protocol.yml file instead. This config context allows users to input an EQL query as an input when creating a pipeline by using the protocol. Then, your protocol.yml file can use that query as an input to the protocol step, which then runs the task script function.

Create a Python Package

Within the task script folder that contains the config.json and main.py files, use Python Poetry to create a Python package and the necessary files to deploy them to the TDP.

Poetry Command Example to Create a Python Package

poetry init
poetry add datetime
poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt



If no packages are added, this poetry export command example produces text in requirements.txt that you must delete to create an empty requirements.txt file. However, for this example setup, there’s a datetime package, so requirements.txt shouldn't be empty. A requirements.txt file is required to deploy the package to the TDP.

Deploy the Task Script

To the deploy the task script, run the following command from your command line (for example, bash):

ts-sdk put task-script private-{TDP ORG} sspdemo-taskscript v4.0.0 {task-script-folder} -c {auth-folder}/auth.json



Make sure to replace {TDP ORG} with your organization slug, {task-script-folder} with the local folder that contains your protocol code, and {auth-folder} with the local folder that contains your authentication information.

Also, when creating a new version of a task script and deploying it to the TDP, you must increase the version number. In this example command, the version is increased to v4.0.0.

Add a File to the TDP to Use When Enriching Data



The EQL query that’s used in the the example task script searches the TDP for a RAW file that has an enrichment-file label name and a value of enrichment-file.

To add a file to the TDP, which you’ll use to enrich existing files, do the following:

  1. Create a text file that includes your enrichment data. For this example setup, add the following contents to the file:
experiment, example-experiment
lab, example-lab
location, example-location

  1. Upload the file to the TDP and provide the required label. Then when running your pipeline with the protocol and task script, your pipeline will now search the TDP for this file and use its contents.

Create and Deploy a Protocol

Protocols define the business logic of your pipeline by specifying the steps and the functions within task scripts that execute those steps. For more information about how to create a protocol, see Protocol YAML Files.

In the following example, there’s one step: enrich-input-file-step. This step uses the enrich-input-file function that’s in the sspdemo-taskscript task script, which is v4.0.0 of the task script.

Create a protocol.yml File

Create a protocol.yml file in your code editor by using the following code snippet:

protocolSchema: "v3"
name: "Enrich - v3 protocol"
description: "Protocol that enriches biochemistry IDS file. Creates PROCESSED file with extra data and labels."

  - id: enrich-input-file-step
      namespace: private-training-sspdemo
      slug: sspdemo-taskscript
      version: v4.0.0
      function: enrich-input-file
      input_file_pointer: $( workflow.inputFile )



When using a new task script version, you must use the new version number when we’re calling that task script in the protocol step. This example protocol.yml file refers to v4.0.0.

Deploy the Protocol

To the deploy the protocol, run the following command from your command line (for example, bash):

ts-sdk put protocol private-{TDP ORG} enrich v1.0.0 {protocol-folder} -c {auth-folder}/auth.json



Make sure to replace {TDP ORG} with your organization slug, {protocol-folder} with the local folder that contains your protocol code, and {auth-folder} with the local folder that contains your authentication information.



To redeploy the same version of your code, you must include the -f flag in your deployment command. This flag forces the code to overwrite the file. The following are example protocol deployment command examples:

  • ts-sdk put protocol private-xyz hello-world v1.0.0 ./protocol -f -c auth.json
  • ts-sdk put task-script private-xyz hello-world v1.0.0 ./task-script -f -c auth.json

For more details about the available arguments, run the following command:

ts-sdk put --help

Create a Pipeline That Uses the Deployed Protocol

To use your new protocol on the TDP, create a new pipeline that uses the protocol that you deployed. Then, upload a file that matches the pipeline’s trigger conditions.